


please see our Submission guidelines below:

YES to undergraduate literary essays, poetry, fiction, and creative non-fiction. One piece please.

NO collections, page limits, word limits, or restrictions on themes.

INCLUDE a cover page with your name, home institution, year of graduation, genre of submission, and the title of your submission. Please also include a short third person biography so we can include it in the edition if your piece is accepted.

FORMAT the name of your docx as: “LASTNAME_TITLE_GENRE”
(e.g “Simpson_ My Mother_non-fiction”).

SUBMIT by sending your cover page and work in .docx to thefoundationalist@gmail.com

deadline for spring MARCH 15th at midnight (your respective time) !

You are welcome to submit to multiple categories, but please limit your submissions to one piece per genre

We do accept simultaneous submissions; however, we will not publish pieces that have been previously published. Please let us know if a piece that you submit is accepted to another magazine or journal so we can remove it from consideration.

The editorial board’s reading period for the spring session is January to May. If your piece is accepted please expect a response by early summer.

We look forward to reading your work.

In the meantime, feel free to browse our past published works, fun materials, or connect with us on social media. Any further questions regarding permissions, copyright, or adjudication can be located in our FAQ section or feel free to contact bnorwood@bowdoin.edu.